Warman's COINS & PAPER MONEY / Allen G. Berman
This is a thoroughly revised fifth edition (3rd with this title) of the highly praised introduction to numismatics . Contains complete coverage of US & Canadian, and extensive listings of world coins and currency. I have taken particular care in the new treatment of ancients and am simply delighted with the medieval section. This is certainly a comfortable first step for anyone thinking of getting involved in these fields. Also of particular use are sections on American tokens and medals, and Islamic and Oriental numismatics. Historical backgrounds and lists of known counterfeits round out each section. New information and the same low price too! 320 pp., sc., values, thousands of illustrations! .......................... 21.99
"remarkable...If you are looking for a low cost introduction ... this is the book for you." American Numismatic Association
PAPAL COINS / Allen G. Berman
Papal Coins is the first complete one volume catalogue of the circulating coinage of the Popes. Incorporating recent scholarship and discoveries, such as the Tiber Hoard, it spans over1,200 years of Papal coinage, both in Italy and at Avignon. Each listing is described, along with a complete transcription of legends found in their most complete forms. All entries are cross referenced to authoritative sources and collections, including the Vatican coin cabinet. Valuations are assigned to the over 3,500 known types, hundreds of which will be found illustrated in the extensive plates. The evolution of Papal coinage is explained in clear, concise terms in the introduction, both from artistic and political perspectives. The coinage of each Pope is also introduced with a brief biography to place it in its historical context. Features include:
* Complete listings for Popes, Antipopes, Anonymous & Senatorial issues
* Hundreds of illustrations
* Tables of Monograms, Mintmasters' marks, Papal and auxiliary arms.
255 pp., ill., 77 plates, hc........................O.O.P.
The above book has been granted Impramatur and Nihil Obstat by the Catholic Church.
This little folder makes simple the last inexpensive field in American numismatics. It summarizes into basic types the coin-like tokens issued by 12 states for the payment of sales tax from the Great Depression to 1961. Card stock, 4 pp. ..............................................................................................................O.O.P.
COINS OF THE CRUSADER STATES, 2nd expanded edition / Allen G. Berman, ed.
by A.G.Malloy, I.Preston & A.J.Seltman, contributions by M.Bates, A.Gordus, D.M.Metcalf & R.Pesant
For the first time since the 19th century there is a one-volume compendium of all known Crusader coins, listed in an easy to use catalogue format. Incorporating the recent research of prominent scholars, this work covers issues in both the Levant and Greece, as well as comprehensive listings for Lusignan Cyprus. Each coin is accompanied by a description and a transcription of its legends, as well as cross-references and metrological data. Most major types are illustrated both with in-text line drawings and with photographic plates. The work is also augmented by numerous charts and graphs.
The coinage is set firmly in context by detailed sections of historical background and the monetary history of the Crusader states. Addenda include an extensive bibliography and translations of medieval texts relating to Crusader coinage.Now includes the Knights of Rhodes! 533 pp., ill., 11 plates, hc................................................................................................. O.O.P.
Price Guide to Coins of the Crusader States, 3rd Edition. 36 pp., sc.............................................12.00..
This work vividly traces, through coins and other contemporary evidence, the Popes' long struggle for independence from the control of secular rulers and their final success in the founding of a sovereign Papal State. This book illustrates the evolution of the medieval papacy in response to the economic, political and military challenges of Dark Ages Europe and the rise of the Italian city republics. This story is given perspective by a brief introduction to the development of the Papacy during the period of early Christianaity. An intriguing numismatic tale for students not only of Papal history, but also for those interested in the Byzantine and Holy Roman Empires. Newly revised to incorporate recent discoveries such as the Tiber Hoard. Written by the author of the international standard, Papal Coins. 165 pp., 3 plates, 5 maps, sc ............................................................................35.00
The above book has been granted Impramatur and Nihil Obstat by the Catholic Church.
with Addenda by Alan M. Stahl & Allen G. Berman
Among the most important medieval collections ever assembled, the C.J. Thomsen collection forms the nucleus of the Danish National Museum's medieval collection. This work brings together diverse countries not found elsewhere in one reference, and is the only one volume catalogue of Western European medieval coins in print.
408 pp., 26 plates, 8 maps, hc.................................................69.50
Price Guide to Thomsen, 26pp., sc.............................................9.50
Perhaps the most useful book still in print for the identification of scarabs. This is a faithful reproduction of the Cairo 1900 original. Fraser spent over 10 years collecting, describing and drawing the hundreds of scarabs illustrated. Covered are the First through 30th Dynasties, more than 4,400 years. 62 pp., 16 plates, sc...........................................................$12.50
Easily the most convenient and concise book on the coinage of the Jews and their Roman occupiers during biblical times. Chapters include:
Collecting Biblical Coins
Pre-coinage Weights
Persian & Hellenistic Periods
Hasmonian & Herodian Dynasties
Roman Procurators
First and Bar Kochba Revolts
Judaea Capta Issues
City Coins of Israel & Jordan
Coins of the New Testament
GBC is the most concise guide to this popular subject. Now in its 3rd edition, Hendin has added major new innovations, including the reattribution of certain coins to John Hyrcanus I, based on recent archaeological discoveries. Fascinating are new sections on prices in Biblical times and expanded coverage of Yehud coins. This volume is full of quotes from both Old and New Testaments placing the coins in their context. Simply indispensable! 3rd edition, 316 pp., 32 plates, hc, ill., values.........................................................................60.00
2nd edition, 204 pp., ill., hc., 16 plates, values, with update sheet, few remaining.....................................................................25.00
Reprint of a much in demand booklet first published by the Royal Numismatic Society in the 1920s. It attempts to answer the popular question, "How did they do that?" Certainly the most popular volume in the entire Numismatic Chronicals Reprint Series. An indispensible study for any collector of ancients. 44 pp., sc., 1 plate..........................................9.50
HANDBOOK OF ANCIENT GREEK & ROMAN COINS / Zander H. Klawans, edited by Kenneth E. Bressett
This should be everyone's first book on ancient coins. It is a simple introduction to these historical series. It explains how to read Greek and Roman coin inscriptions. The construction of a Roman name and how to determine the dates on Roman coins are both discussed. Sections cover symbols, city names and mythological symbols. 288pp., profusely illustrated, sc................14.95
[Lincoln Collection] Catalogue of Papal Medals / Spink. Reprint of classic 1898 auction. A standard. 123 pp., soft cover................25.00
Official Guide to Artifacts of Ancient Civilizations / Alex G. Malloy. Finally, a price guide for antiquities. An inexpensive way to see WHY it's an ancient artifact, it catalogs & describes over 2,300 objects. Includes items you are likely to encounter, such as weapons, pottery, jewelry, tools, lamps, figurines, scarabs, glass, amulets, seals, cameos, & textiles. Useful time lines, glossary, & quick reference charts make using it fun. Includes Paleolithic, Western & Central Asiatic, Judaea, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, & pre-Columbian.
Large format, 257 pp., incl. 34 pls., profusely illustrated, bibliography, values, soft cover ........... 19.95
How can you tell if a papal medal is official or unofficial? If it's in this book it's official. This reprint of the plates from the classic work illustrates over 900 different medals with their Mazio numbers. 120 pp., large format, sc.......................... $25.00
DIE MITTELALTERLICHEN MUNZEN DES HESSISCHEN LANDESMUSEUMS IN KASSEL (The Medieval Coins in the Hessian Region Museum in Kassel) / Reichman & Co.
One of the best sources available for the attribution of bracteates and medieval Germanic coins. A reprint of the classic 1924 auction, supplemented by prices realized, a glossary of terms from German to English, French, Italian and Spanish, and a comprehensive index. 151 pp., 41 plates, sc...............29.50
This is truely the most exciting book to hit the field of French numismatics this decade! Described by the author as a "field guide" to the series, it makes identifying coins easy by arranging them into "sensible groups" of related types, tather than chronologically or geographically. These groups are based on relationships between designs, not simple arbitrary groupings. Crossing the boundries of royal and feudal, this book relates imitative local coinages to their prototypes, including related coinages beyond the borders of France in Flanders, Luxembourg, Alsace-Loraine and Savoy. A series included in this work, not always covered by others is the Merovingian coinage of the 5th to 8th centuries. Series covered include not only good silver but billon (base silver) as well. Over 7,300 illustrations intelligently placed make this book simple to use, and hundreds of maps - one for each basic type - show numismatists the geographical dispersion of related types. Each entry also carries cross references to at least one source. Large format, 587 pp., ill., hc.........98.00
Price Guide to Silver Coins of Medieval France, sc......................$13.95
THE COINAGE OF CAESAREA IN CAPPADOCIA / Edward A. Sydenham, Supplement by Alex G. Malloy
Caesarea was one of the largest and most important Greek Imperial mints and one of the few to strike silver. Sydenham's introduction is "enlightening to the general study of Greek Imperials." Covers 36 BC to AD 244. The standard work.
167 pp., illustrated throughout, hc, 2 pls.............................25.00
This book de-mystifies medieval coins. New second edition of the only inexpensive book on understnding the unusual world of medieval European coin inscriptions. The author takes the reader through all the aspects of reading medieval European coins. He explains the styles of medieval letters, together with the idiosyncrasies of minting. Chapters on abbreviations, monograms and word separators are of great importance, along with medieval numismatic grammer. Latin, the primary numismatic language, is an important section. Another provides a brief acquaintance with other languages such as Slavonic, Arabic, Greek, Hebrew and other vernacular languages.
The helpful appendicies include (a) an illustrative list of personal names, (b) titles on medieval European coins, (c) useful words found on medieval coins, and (d) sample religious legends on medieval coins. Also includes an expanded and updated bibliography by Allen G. Berman. 44 pp., ill.,..........................................................12.50
ROMA RESURGENS: Papal Medals from the Age of the Baroque (1983) by Nathan T. Whitman and John L. Varriano.
A wonderful study of the development of the Papal Medal from the perspective of art history. Hundreds of pieces are illustrated, with their designs explained. Much information on both the Popes and their engravers. 188 pp., large format, SC 55.00
Authorized by the Royal Numismatic Society, this series makes available important contributions to numismatics. Formerly out of print, it was written by some of the greatest numismatic scholars of the past century. These are listed chronologically.
The Coinage of Sybaris after 510 BC / Kraay, Colin.
An intelligent look at the evolution of a Greek coinage from the Archaic to Classical era. Kraay presents some detailed excursions into the chronology of fifth century Italian coinage, especially Sybaris' relations with Croton, Laus and Poseidonia (Paestum), in the light of hoard, overstrike, and literary evidence. He even says why there is an acorn depicted at right. 25 pp., 2 plates, sc............... 6.00
The Coinages of Augustus / Sydenham, E.
While commenting on the various issues into which Augustus' coinage can be divided, Sydenham concentrates first on the important Asiatic series, the gold and silver provincial coinage, along with the bronze coinages of the Commune Asiae. He then focuses on the "imperatorial mint" which Grueber had failed to recognize. 40 pp., 2 plates, SC................. 6.00
The Coinage of Vindex and Galba, A.D. 68, and the continuity of the Augustan Principate / Kraay, Colin
By investigating the previous and subsequent history of the coin types, Kraay infers their significance in AD 68 and sees the aim of the revolt of Vindex as a movement to secure the continuation of the Principate on a constitutional basis at a moment of crisis, when the Julio-Claudian line ended. Vindex' decision was to have much influence on coin types of Galba through the Flavians. 21 pp., 2 plates., sc................. 6.00
The Coinage of the Civil Wars of 68-69 AD / Mattingly, H.
Dealing with the coins of "autonomous" series, Galba, Otho, Vitellius, the latest issues of Nero, and the earliest issues of Vespasian, Mattingly seeks to date and place these issues. He examines the meaning of these types whenever they are likely to illuminate the conditions of striking, as well as the history of both the previous, Julio-Claudian and following, Flavian, periods. 28 pp., 2 plates, sc.................. 6.00
Fel. Temp. Reparatio / Mattingly, H.
Mattingly's discussion of this widespread reverse legend on one of the most commonly encountered types of Roman coins, those of Constantius I and Constans, attempts to define its general scope and intention, connecting it with the celebration, in AD 348, of the 11th centenary of Rome's foundation, and with experimental reforms of the coinage. 21 pp., 2 pl., sc................... 6.00
Allen Browns's English Castles, by R. Allen Brown
Castle studies have been shaped and defined over the past half-century by this classic work. It has never been superseded, and is still the foundation study of the English and Welsh, castles built between the Norman Conquest and the mid 1500s. For this recent edition much French comparative material was added, though it remains essentially a study of English castles. Castles developed to support political and social needs as the Norman and Angevin kings secured their realm. Once secured, the castle became less needed as domestic and military interests went in opposite directions. Contains over a hundred photographs and plans. Considered a STANDARD guide to the origins, purpose and identity of the great castles of England and Wales. 190 pp., illus., SC. .............. 16.50
Lhotka, John, Introduction to East Roman (Byzantine) Coinage.
Yes, there is an inexpensive introduction to Byzantine, and this is it. 117 pp. incl. 4 plates, text illus. too., SC ................15.00
Lhotka, John, Introduction to Medieval Bracteates.
Perhaps the only English language work on this coinage. Bracteates are German & Central European silver coins so thin they could only be struck on one side. Expanded edition. 57 pp., 8 plates, SC.............. 12.00
Lhotka, J. & Anderson, P., Survey of Medieval Iberian Coinages.
If you need an introduction to medieval Spain or Portugal and are put off by books in foreign languages, this is certainly the best first step — for a lot less money than the foreign works. 125 pp., illus., SC ..................19.00
Szego, Alfred, Coinage of Medieval Austria 1156-1521.
One easy-to-use book to identify the one of the most widely available and inexpensive series of medieval silver coins. Every coin illustrated. 56 pp., illus., SC 19.00
(Beginners lots of these silver pfennigs are available, VF or better but typical partial strikes. 12 different for $99.00, or a single example for $12.00.)
TERMS: Shipping within United States $6 for first book, $1 thereafter. Overseas billed seperately at actual post, specify method of shipping. Many other titles obtainable on request. Dealer and library discounts available, write with proof of status for discount schedule.
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